It is ruggedly constructed and can be used with internal batteries or external AC adapter. The DM2 features: MOS/LSI circuitry, DC voltage measurement from 1 to 1000 volts, AC from 1 to 500V, both AC and DC current from 1 ma to 1 A and four resistance ranges. ' ' Now available from Dick Smith Electronics is the Sinclair DM2 31/2 digit multimeter. At somewhere between $650 and$750 in the States, the watch will be sold as a piece of technocratic jewellery, a status symbol for the fashion -conscious engineer. watch contains two calculator chips, a watch chip and new memory chips providing around 40 computing and timing functions. This is a combined wristwatch and calculator based on improved versions of their existing calculator chips. But how much do you value the safety of your kids - or your friends' and neighbours'? HP Watch Hewlett-Packard have announced the release of their long-awaited Project Cricket', the HP 01. It's also quite costly compared to many others.

It's simple, it's elegant - and it works. A shaped section on the lówer edge of the transducer also assists in pattern recognition.

This change is then evaluated by the monitoring unit which rejects signals uncharacteristic of those caused by a toddler slipping or falling into a pool. Thus any ripple on the surface will be translated by the sensor into a corresponding capacitance change. The sensor consists of a double sided 'PC board' which in effect is a capacitor, the value of which depends upon the depth by which it is submerged in water. Because of this prior involvement, we were most interested to see a pool alarm system manufactured by the US company Stevens Associates - imported into Australia by Rudi Hoess of Electronic Concepts, Clarence Street, Sydney This is a most elegant design. 0 much better than others, none is wholly satisfactory. We have tested most of these devices and while some work m S. Other systems monitor `noise' via a submerged hydrophone whilst yet others monitor wave patterns relative to the pool side. Most currently available alarms monitor wave patterns, usually via a floating sensor consisting of three or more `fixed' floats and one able to move vertically relative to the fixed floats. Such alarms are harder to design than might at first appear because they must discriminate between a true alarm situation and false indications caused by other physical transients such as wind -induced ripples, loud noises, local electrical disturbances, etc. Hence the recent proliferation of alarms which purport to warn of children slipping or tumbling into a pool.

And whilst local councils generally specifiy that home pools must be protected by a substantial fence, such fences often do little more than present a challenge for a toddler to surmount. ti., / Many children drown each year in home swimming pools. s 12 ELECTRONICS TODAY INTERNATIONAL - JULYĤ News Digest Pool Alarm 0 HIGH I WATER.
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Recommended retail price only AM stereo? SINCLAIR CAMBRIDGE PROGRAMMABLE 24 Tiny, but powerful SPECIAL OFFER: SINCLAIR CALCULATOR 26 We knew you'd like it SPECIAL OFFER: BLOOD PRESSURE GAUGE 41 Real sphygmomanometer SPECIAL OFFER: SCIENTIFIC CALCS $ Lowest price yet Ca110E REVIEWED.62 Hot Rx on this ham rig DATA SHEETS EXPLAINED 69 Yes, but what does it mean? 555 TIMER APPLICATIONS, PT4 82 Final part, next month 741 PRINTOUT 89 The Early Years NEWS & INFORMATION News Digest 4 Ideas for Experimenters 101 Calculator Contest 9 Please Explain 109 Sound News 19 MiniMart 112 Data Sheet 76 Reader Services 114 Kits for ETI Projects 97 Free Inside. Cover: The good old days and the good new days of electronics.
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7 Editorial Publisher Les Behh Collyn Rivers PROJECTS COMPRESSOR EXPANDER 32 Simplified noise reduction technique REV MONITOR 43 Aids you through the gears HOUSE ALARM 51 Sophisticated alarm system NEXT MONTO IN Eli FEATURES 191 COOKBOOK IMPORTANT NOTICE In view of the recent legalisation of CB radio, we have decided to postpone the SSB CB rig offer announced last month until a model becomes available which meets the full Australian specs.